Curio list darkest dungeon
Curio list darkest dungeon

curio list darkest dungeon

This is an enemy designed to compliment other enemies in this dungeon, however in execution it doesn't really work that well. A general rule in Darkest Dungeon is that the back rows are threats that should be addressed ASAP. I usually save him for last since there are more pressing matters in this area. The guy does a decent amount of damage and is rather durable, however he doesn't have any presence compared to some of the other enemies you fight in this game. His other attack is Ball & Chain, which does light damage but is designed to stun and move the back rows around. His main attack is Butcher Chop, which does decent damage alongside some bleed damage to the front row. The Swine Chopper is this area's common tanky unit, hogging the front lines with some medium prot levels and some hefty crowd control. I have a hard time classifying threat levels in the Warrens, mainly because with recent updates the other areas feel way more threatening in general and it throws me off. Exclusive Enemies: Swine Chopper (Threat Level: Medium) In terms of curio loadouts, I would recommend bringing more torches than normal for one specific curio, alongside a bunch of Medical Herbs & Bandages for the curios here, and maybe some Antivenoms if you are short a plague doctor and hate all the blight. Enemies here are also susceptible to bleed here with all these beasts here a Houndmaster is highly recommended since he'll make short work of all the pigs, however classes like the Highwayman, the Hellion, the Jester, and the Bounty Hunter all have good bleeds for exploiting the weaknesses prevalent in this area. Combat in this zone will mainly involve dealing with all the blight and disease these enemies throw at you, along with a little bit of bleed from the Pig Butcher, so a Plague Doctor is recommended in general but you can also bring a Graverobber to deal with the disease. The focus of this area is on Beast enemies, namely pig-men and carrion feeders, and both of them are rife with awful biological agents. Man, its been a long time since I did a proper info-post, so let's talk about the festering pile of disease and awful things known as the Warrens. Part 6: Overview: The Warrens The Warrens Our top-of-the-line sewage structure will ensure the cleanliness of this land

Curio list darkest dungeon